Art is a Spark for Historic Downtown Crawfordsville | Montgomery County Visitors & Convention Bureau
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Art is a Spark for Historic Downtown Crawfordsville

A few years ago, a Brooklyn, NY, artist started painting a mural on the exterior of a flower shop located in Historic Downtown Crawfordsville. The colorful artwork of Indiana native Wildflowers was created by Jenna Morello and completed in October 2021. Did anyone realize at the time that this new mural would be a powerful spark to energize Historic Downtown Crawfordsville?


The mural is located in an alleyway in Historic Downtown Crawfordsville, on the side of Miligan’s Flowers & Gifts, 115 E Main Street. It measures 135 feet!

The alley is being “activated” in 2023 by the City of Crawfordsville and will become a new community gathering space. According to the Montgomery County Community Foundation, “Lighting, seating, and an entrance is being added to showcase Jenna Morello‘s work and welcome visitors.”
It all started with Jenna’s mural.

Visit Montgomery County, the local destination marketing organization, motivates visitors to come to Montgomery County to have fun and spend money at local businesses. Visit Montgomery County helps develop the destination for travelers and local residents alike. Visit MoCo shared, “We are so excited for this wonderful space on Main Street. Thank you to the Montgomery County Community Foundation & City of Crawfordsville – Official for this wonderful investment to Historic Downtown Crawfordsville!”

In fact, the mural and the soon-to-be-activated alley gathering space gave Visit MoCo an idea. Let’s use the vibrancy of our new mural to attract visitors to our Historic Downtown Crawfordsville!

I-74 westbound, a few miles from Exit 34.

The mural is now the colorful visual that is featured on a billboard, designed to entice motorists to exit the highway and visit Historic Downtown Crawfordsville. Already, the billboard has been effective at sparking the interest of drivers and welcoming them to the downtown destination. Historic Downtown Crawfordsville has never been so colorful and vibrant to the senses of local residents and visitors alike. And to think it all started with a mural!

Visit Montgomery County soon to see this mural and grab a cool and colorful selfie!

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