Old Coke Plant Canoe Launch | Montgomery County Visitors & Convention Bureau
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Friends of Sugar Creek Canoe Race

Old Coke Plant Canoe Launch 608 Lafayette Ave, Crawfordsville, IN, United States

Choose your destination whether you are a canoeing the 4 mile race or 15 mile! These races are not for leisure. Please come determined to paddle! Check in the day of the race from 9:00am-11:30am at Crawfordsville Park and Rec Coke Plant Launch (across from...

Kids, Canoes, and Crinoids

Old Coke Plant Canoe Launch 608 Lafayette Ave, Crawfordsville, IN, United States

This educational program provides kids age 9 to 14 an opportunity to learn about the biology, geology, history and beauty of Sugar Creek. Canoes, paddles, flotation devices, and lunch will be provided by Friends of Sugar Creek. Parents or guardians are welcome to attend with...